Living between bridges

Living between bridges

Saturday, June 27, 2009

FDI Into Japan Reaches Record High for Second Straight Year in 2008

GDP comparison of Japan with other major economic regions (US$ billion, 2007)
Source: Prepared based on "World Economic Outlook Database" (April, 2008), IMF

GDP comparison of Japan's regions with some countries (US$ billion)
Note: 2005 data is used for Japan; 2007 data is used for all other countries. Exchange rates based on IMF period-average rates.Source: "World Economic Outlook Database" (April, 2008), IMF; "Prefectural Economic Almanac" (February, 2008), Economic and Social Research Institute, Cabinet Office

"..Net FDI into Japan (balance of payment basis) reached a record high for the second consecutive year in 2008, reaching US$24.5 billion, up 10.7% from US$22.1 billion recorded the previous year. This is on a gross capital inflow of US$73.2 billion, a record, and a gross capital outflow of US$48.6 billion, which is not far behind the
US$52.5 billion recorded in 2006. The high inflow was led by additional investments made by financial institutions and companies seeking to boost the capital of their Japanese subsidiaries, while deteriorating economic conditions in industrialized nations may have played a factor in the high outflow figure..."

The seeds of Koizumi-san efforts are flourishing, namely, the launching on the Asian Gateway initiative and Invest in Japan - the Foreign Investment Agency.

For me, it is very odd and shortsighted that European leadership is not paying the suitable attention on the social and economic developments in Japan.

I heard the most outstanding remark made by a former European Minister of Finance:

“…Japan is not a transparent society because………because they speak and write in Japanese…”

Deep thought, so desu ne?

Thursday, June 25, 2009


Last year, I was suddenly attacked by serious 80´s nostalgia. I felt like reviewing the Ska Scene.
I came across these 5 Girls from Osaka,
OreskaBand. I was surprised by their sound and their energy. Reminds me the emotion and power I felt on the gig of Dexy´s Midnight runner´s in 1982.

I particularly enjoyed “Hana no suka dance”, “Pinocchio” (from the Maga series Naruto) and a version of “Monkey Man” of The Specials.
Rico Rodrigues, who used to play with The Specials, made a record with these Jgirls: “Japa Rico”

On the 14th of march Shonen Knife performed at SuperDeluxe in Nishi Azabu.
Comments: “…the set consisted mainly of super-safe punk-pop tunes, and the lyrics seemed to be all about sweets (or other eating related experiences, one song was about food poisoning) the girls played super-tight, and their harmonies were glorious…”
It´s an all jgirls band formed in Osaka during 1981, Influenced by alt-rock's elite (Sonic Youth, Nirvana, and Redd Kross, among others).
The group has occasionally performed as The Osaka Ramones, a tribute to The Ramones

I hope you enjoy them as much as I did.

Nikkei: Miyazaki Gov. Hideo Higashikokubaru on Wednesday responds to a reporter's question about his intention to run in the next general election at the prefecture office.

It´s amazing!
Comedians will rule Japan
Takeshi Kitano will be the new Minister of Self Defense and Naban Chicken will become Minister of Foreign Affairs

Em Portugal também seria fantástico.
Quem é que disse?
Os cómicos ao poder, há séculos que os palhaços lá estão.
Herman José Primeiro-Ministro já!

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

TSF - entrada de capitais espanhóis em Portugal 22/06/2009

"No Fórum TSF desta quarta-feira vamos debater a entrada de capitais espanhóis em Portugal e a importância dos centros de decisão. A PT prepara-se para comprar aos espanhóis da Prisa 30% da Media Capital. Com este negócio a Prisa consegue um parceiro estratégico português e a PT volta a posicionar-se no mercado dos media. Existem actualmente mais de 800 empresas em Portugal detidas maioritariamente por capital espanhol. A situação levanta a questão dos centros de decisão, onde está o poder de definir o futuro de uma empresa e para onde vão os lucros."

O tema e as intervenções de hoje no Fórum da TSF agradaram-me bastante.
A intervenção de Peres Metello focou os temas fundamentais. Discutir obstruções à integração Ibérica e Europeia, bem como à Globalização, é, com o devido respeito, uma diletância. Fundamental é discutir como vencer em concorrência global e como nos afirmar o país na cena mundial.

No entanto, a entrada de capitais estrangeiros é um tema que requer esclarecimento.

1 – Os novos investimentos, em manufactura, são efectuados fora da Europa. A Europa já não é competitiva para a captação destes investimentos.
Devemos efectuar um grande esforço para manter e desenvolver as unidades produtivas existentes em Portugal, Portuguesas e Estrangeiras.

Perder a Auto Europa será dramático para Portugal. Poderá ser a ruína do “Cluster “Automóvel.
Temos uma localização geográfica central (Europa, Américas e África) mas considerada periférica para os europeus. Várias empresas vão integrar na “Pegada Ambiental” o CO2 produzido no transporte da sua actividade, incluindo a movimentação dos produtos em laboração.

2 – Nos novos investimentos (em bens e serviços transaccionados internacionalmente) destinam-se a processos de racionalização ou questões ambientais. Ou seja reduzem postos de trabalho.

3 – É essencial atrair projectos que promovam mais desenvolvimento para o país e reforcem as competitividades internacional.

Exemplos: Tecnologias de Informação e Comunicação, Turismo, Saúde e Mar.

Actividades de investigação na área do mar são particularmente relevantes pois ainda não temos uma visão claramente definida de como iremos explorar os nossos recursos marítimos, recentemente alargados.

Afirmação internacional, caminhos

1 – Integração mais activa na economia de rede, na globalização

2 – Os grandes grupos em PT desenvolveram-se protegidos da concorrência internacional.
Há um problema de mentalidades e de condutas.

Recordo-me das observações e empresários Japoneses que tiveram projectos em Portugal.

“... Portugal está na Europa, mas os Portugueses ainda não são verdadeiramente Europeus..”

Este tema é fundamental, é necessário democratizar e inovar mais a economia. Mais exposição internacional tornará os Portugueses mais internacionais.

Nota final sobre as exigências da presença em mercados internacionais e nossa percepção sobre os nossos produtos.

A Via Verde foi apresentada no Japão pela Mitsubishi Corporation mas sem sucesso:
A aplicação não assegurava um nível de eficácia e fiabilidade (erros & falhas) aceitável pelos clientes Japoneses

Paulo Vieira, Ex-membro da Comissão Executiva e da Estrutura para a Constituição da API - Agência Portuguesa para o Investimento

Saturday, June 20, 2009

New trends Soshokukei - Japan's 'herbivore men'

More sensitive, self caring and fashion victim, nail care, sex "self-helping" toys, hair do.

Less interested in sex, money and power and competition

Take a look at these remarks

"In Japan, sex is translated as 'relationship in flesh,'" she said, "so I named those boys 'herbivorous boys' since they are not interested in flesh."

“…A 2007 survey by a major toilet-seat maker found that half of Japanese men sit on the toilet to urinate, while bras designed for men have been selling briskly since they hit the market last November…”
Blurring the boundaries The Japan Times Online

Are we seeing a new trend soon to arrive to Europe and US?

Curiously, hanging around trough Europe, one may state that most women are starting to look and act like truck drivers.
Will these Lionesses start to hunt and mate these elaborated, sensitive and sophisticated Gazelles?
Japan Times ran a pole about the final days of the carnivores, the question was:

"...Japan is seeing a rise in what has been called a generation of male herbivores (soshokukei), men moving away from the traditional masculinity of their forefathers. What's your take on this change? "

The results were:

(32%) - Soshokukei is an invented buzzword. Most young men will turn out just like their fathers.
(21%) - It's great. Who needs more macho men?
(14%) - If this trend is widespread, then I fear for Japan's future.
(13%) - Diversification is a good thing, but in moderation.
(13%) The implications are disturbing. Does Japan need war to develop "real men"?
(6%) - I'm worried it could have a negative effect on the birth rate.

So, like the majority of people I believe that” Boys will always be boys!”

End of BOJ funding measures tied to economy | The Japan Times Online

1.6% GDP growth forecast for second quarter and now BOJ cools down “…The Bank of Japan said this week that the country's worst postwar recession is easing as fiscal stimulus measures worldwide spur demand and companies increase production….”

End of BOJ funding measures tied to economy The Japan Times Online

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